Here we are: the first national event for Siena that discloses a unique combination of art, culture, history and technology.
The “Divina Bellezza – Discovering Siena” will be Italy’s first time for such event: an innovative cultural initiative that will rediscover the beautiful Siena’s Duomo. A 3D video mapping projection that will find its screen onto the main Duomo’s façade that will let us re-experience Siena and Duomo’s ancient glory, an emotional journey through the myth and the beauty. The advanced technology will allow the projection of magnificent 6 millions Megapixel images on a 800 mq surface.
The “Divina Bellezza – Discovering Siena” is a visual experience in 5 acts that will not just recall Siena’s historical uniqueness, but also will explore Duomo’s and Duomo Nuovo’s past, an exclusive chance to experience the whole city with its culture and people.
An experimental project, that aims to create a dynamic narrative for an international audience through powerful images and stories, delving into Italian’s heritage to deeply appreciate our identity.
The event is scheduled to run every night, with two projections per night after the sunset.

Katiuscia Vaselli

Nata nel cuore di Siena, giornalista e contradaiola fervente. Ora Capo-redattorice di Siena News e Presidentessa di Dinamo Digitale.

Published by
Katiuscia Vaselli

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