Categories: FocusPalio

In tempo reale – Il corteo storico ha fatto il suo ingresso in Piazza del Campo – What is the Corteo Storico


Il corteo storico fin dalle origini delle feste senesi precede la corsa del Palio come solenne coreografia civica, storica e trionfale.
Nella sua forma odierna è una raffigurazione commemorativa delle istituzioni, dei costumi e della grandezza dell’antica Repubblica Senese, con speciale riguardo per le Contrade, che ne formano la parte principale con i loro gruppi di monturati detti Comparse.
Il Corte Storico che oggi sfila in Piazza del Campo comprende 14 gruppi per un totale di quasi settecento figuranti.

Nel primo pomeriggio del giorno del Palio le Comparse delle Contrade e parte dei monturati del Comune si radunano nel cortile del Palazzo di Giustizia e, agli ordini del Maestro di Campo, si allineano in Piazza del Duomo a fianco della Cattedrale sfilando poi tra due fitte ali di folla per Via del Capitano, Piazza Postierla, Via San Pietro, Via del Casato di Sopra e Via del Casato di Sotto ove raggiungono altri figuranti del Comune.

Il Corteo storico entra in Piazza del Campo al primo rintocco di “Sunto”, il campanone sulla Torre del Mangia dedicato nel 1665 all’Assunta, patrona e regina della città. E’ il più recente esemplare di una serie di “campane del popolo” la più antica di esse fu portata sulla Torre nel 1344.

Diciassette coppie di Alfieri – portainsegne giocatori di bandiera – sostando in punti stabiliti della Piazza e seguendo il rullo dei tamburi eseguono le “sbandierate” che culminano in una spettacolare “alzata” finale.

Tra una sosta e l’altra le Comparse sfilano al rullo del “passo della Diana”; i musici di Palazzo suonano la marcia del Palio del maestro Formichi e i trombetti del Comune eseguono gli squilli della festa sulle chiarine d’argento.

Il punto centrale del Corteo è il passaggio del carroccio, moderna controparte del carro trionfale della Repubblica sul quale è il Palio, drappellone di seta dipinta, premio della Carriera.

Terminato il giro della Piazza, i figuranti prendono posto sul palco delle Comparse, il Palio è issato sul palco dei giudici e i diciassette alfieri eseguono al rullo del proprio tambuto, la sbandierata della Vittoria (introdotta alla conclusione della prima guerra mondiale)
Scoppia poi il mortaretto e i fantini escono a cavallo dall’Entrone del Palazzo Comunale. Inizia la Carriera



The Corteo Storico is a historical costume parade that place before the  horse race known as the Palio.

The parade has always occurred before the Palio since the races inception. It is a formally choreographed triumphal march that commemorates the ancient institutions, customs and greatness of the Republic of Siena. Special attention is given to the Contrade whose participants form the main part of the parade. The parade takes place in the Piazza del Campo with 14 groups and a total of almost seven hundred participants.

In the early afternoon, on the day of the Palio, members of the town gather in the courtyard of the Palace of Justice and under the command of the field marshal, line-up in Piazza del Duomo next to the Cathedral. They parade between the crowd on both sides of the streets called: Via del Capitano, Piazza Postierla, Via San Pietro, Via del Casato di Sopra and Via del Casato di Sotto where they join the other members of the parade.

The procession enters the Piazza del Campo on the first toll of the bell (the “Sunto”) on the Torre del Mangia.

Seventeen pairs of flag-bearers stop at the various points in the Piazza and in synchrony with the drum roll perform a spectacular flag-waving exhibition culminating with the throwing of the flag at the end.

The parade marches to the “passo della Diana” (“passo” means step), the musicians of Palazzo play the march of the Palio of the maestro Formichi while the city trumpeters play on silver trumpets.

The central focus of the procession is the passing of the Carroccio, the modern counterpart of the Republic’s ancient triumphal chariot on which the silken colourful Palio banner is hoisted.

After circling the square, the parade members take their places. The Palio is hoisted on to the judges stand while the seventeen flag-bearers perform their own drum roll, “la sbandierata della Vittoria” (the flag-waiving of Victory), so called because it was introduced at the end of World War I.

Composition of the Parade

  • The paradestarts with 6 Mazzieri (Pole-bearers).
  • A Horse follows the standard-bearer on the “Balzana” icon accompanied by four of Siena’scommanders.
  • Then the musicians of Palazzo advance, preceded by drums and silver trumpets that set the pace of the procession.
  • These are followed by the insignia of the city, “potesteria”, that represent the lands and castles of the ancient Sienese state above the standard-bearers and their replacements from the municipality of Massa Marittima and the municipality of Montalcino, which guard this historical privilege.
  • The captain of the people rides with a page, preceded by a standard-bearer, 3 dagger bearing pages, with helmets and swords, followed by 3 gonfaloniers, the “Terzi” on horseback, and three centurionsof “Masse dei Terzi”, also on horseback, all accompanied by grooms.
  • In the next group is represents the Studio Senese (Senese means from Siena), it includes two drummers, a standard-bearer, a rector, four teachers and four students.
  • The standard-bearer and 3 of the Magistrates Merchandise preceded by two drummers followed by six representatives of each Contrada preceded by a standard-bearer who rears the banner of each of the guilds of each Contrada:
    • Tailors Valdimontone (Valley of the Ram)),
    • Pharmacists Pantera (Panther),
    • Sculptors Tartuca (Tortoise),
    • Weavers Selva (Forest),
    • Dye makers Oca (Goose),
    • Bankers Drago (Dragon),
    • Potters Nicchio (Seashell),
    • Goldsmiths Leocorno (Unicorn),
    • Notaries Aquila (Eagle),
    • Silk Makers Bruco (Caterpillar),
    • Cobblers Civetta (Little Owl),
    • Wool makers Torre (Tower),
    • Painters Giraffa (Giraffe),
    • Carpenters Onda (Wave),
    • Bakers Lupa (She-Wolf),
    • Tanners Chiocciola (Snail),
    • Smiths Istrice (Crested Porcupine).
  • A page bearing the “Masgalano” (prize for the best “pop”) with two pages following.
  • Contrada parade of the ten in the race. Each appearance is as follows: a drummer, two bishops, the “Duce” escorted by two armed men, then more pages holding the banner of the Contradaflanked by two pages bearing the flags of the military companies. On a large horse (called the “soprallasso”) escorted by a groom, is the jockey in ceremonial dress, followed the horse which is racing. Contradas participating in the Palio enter the order determined by the drawn lots.
  • A double row of six little pages bearing the symbolic garlands, form division with the Contrade excluded from this Palio.
  • The appearance of the 7 Contrade not participating consist of the following elements: the drummer, two bishops, a leader escorted by two soldiers, Major page and Banner Carrier with two pages bearing the flags of the old military companies.
  • This is followed by six knights pages, representatives Contradas which no longer exist (Gallo, Lion, Bear, Oak, Spadaforte, Viper).
  • 20 archerspreceded by a page flag holder by the Captain, 2 and 4 drummers.
  • Following these the Captain of Justice with a horse and Page, escorted by four armed soldiers.
  • The procession is closed by the Carroccio (cart) pulled by four oxen. on the Carroccio are the Balia, a the bearer of the Palio, a valet who plays the “Martinella” and 6 trumpeters.
  • The Carrocciois accompanied by eight soldiers armed with Roncone and is followed by six knights representing many old noble families of Siena: Pannocchieschi d’Elci, Piccolomini, Salimbeni, Salvani, Tolomei, Ugurgieri .
  • The historical procession ends with six pages bearing a laurel wreath.
Katiuscia Vaselli

Nata nel cuore di Siena, giornalista e contradaiola fervente. Ora Capo-redattorice di Siena News e Presidentessa di Dinamo Digitale.

Published by
Katiuscia Vaselli

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